Reference Projects

EB Consulting AS have a long list of successfully completed projects in our portfolio.

2021 – 2022

  • Planning, project leadership, delivery and testing of new screened room in high voltage lab for Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen campus.
  • Testing of EMP room in data centre for NTE/Steinkjer.
  • Interference measurements (EMF) for Western Norway Health Services, Bergen.
  • Training and course provision for protection of system control centre against EMP/EMI.
  • Planning, delivery and testing of screened control room (EMP room) for Statnett/Fargrafjell transformer station.
  • Planning, delivery and testing of screened control room (EMP room) in new control centre of Lnett (Lyse Elnett).
  • Planning, delivery and testing of screened control room (EMP room) for Lnett (Lyse Elnett)/Fagrafjell transformer station.

Summary of projects from 2007-2020

  • Training and courses for the protection of operational control systems against EMP / EMI
  • Design and planning of solutions for protecting control rooms against EMP / EMI in a number of transformer stations for Statnett SF
  • Solutions for data center protection against EMP / EMI and magnetic radiation for Municipal Archive Institutions Digital Resource Center
  • Survey of the status and preparation of action plans for upgrading the operational control system in relation to NVE requirements for a number of energy companies
  • Design of emergency power supply systems (UPS, rectifiers, battery systems, etc.) in operation control centres
  • Designing solutions for EMP / EMI protection of operational control equipment in power plants and transformer / grid stations
  • Assessment of solutions for EMP / EMI protection, backup power and connection in control centres, power plants and power network stations
  • Establishment of systems for video surveillance of power plants
  • ROS analysis related to operational control systems in the power supply industry
  • Design and establishment of digital PMR networks (operations radio) solutions in power plants and at power grid companies
  • Investigation tasks related to telecommunications and operational control systems for power production and power grid companies
  • Design of telecommunications and radio systems in road tunnels for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration
  • Design and development of radio-based operations radio links (radio line) for power grid and production companies
  • Development of satellite telecommunications network (TSAT) for power network companies

Projects in the period  1980-2006

  • Development of the Digital Ground Network for Norkring.
  • Upgrading of GSM / EDGE networks for NetCom.
  • Development of GSM and UMTS mobile networks for Telenor Mobil and NetCom.
  • Design and development of various radio projects for broadband customers in Élla Kommunikasjon AS (later LOS Bynett).
  • Construction of EMP / EMI protected telecommunications and data rooms for operational control and telecom infrastructure; Agder Energy.
  • Design and development of a new regional fibre-based SDH network for EniTel and Enit-Sør.
  • Research and planning/design of a new telecommunications and data network for the Interkraft group.
  • Establishment of various computer networks LAN and WAN systems.
  • Planning and establishment of TMN systems (TeleSCADA) for operational monitoring of power supply transmission networks and radio stations for Agder Energi.
  • Planning and establishment of computer-based remote control systems (SCADA) for the control and monitoring of power and traffic stations for Agder Energi.
  • Design and construction of new digital county-wide transmission network (RL, fiber and BFH) for Agder Energi.
  • Design and construction of PMR networks for Agder Energi.